
Christmas Feast
Every year the Student Council sponsors a community service project, helping the Salvation Army with their annual Christmas feast. Each class creates table decorations with Ms. Dohtery, the new Art Specialist or their classroom teacher, and then these bright pieces of art can make the celebration more cheerful and kind.

Christmas Feast 2020

Christmas Feast 2020

Christmas Feast 2020

Ben's Bells
Bonillas Magnet is now an official "Be Kind" campus. The Student Council sponsored the Ben's Bells Project, a program which encourages intentional kindness. Bonillas was joined by TUSD superintendent Dr. Trujillo and TUSD board members, Mr. Hicks and Ms. Sedgwick, in the grand unveiling of the tile mural crafted by students, staff and parent volunteers. Mr. Christopher, the school counselor, already has plans to wrap the school with colorful acts of caring, one of our Character Counts pillars.